Katie Ginder

Where is your hometown?
Carmel, Indiana
What high school did you attend?
St. Theodore Guerin Catholic High School
What is your major?
Elementary education grades K-6 with mild intervention
Why did you choose The Woods?
I have always felt drawn to a small school and Saint Mother Theodore Guerin. It felt like the perfect match to attend the school Saint Mother Theodore Guerin and the Sisters of Providence created. My biggest worry was paying for school, but my fears melted away when I received the Saint Mother Theodore Guerin Scholar scholarship. This made my choice simple to come here, and I do not regret it one bit!
What do you do for fun on campus?
I greatly enjoy wandering around The Woods and admiring the natural beauty of this campus. On lovely breezy days, I often bring a book outside and sit by Le Fer Lake, enjoying the scenery and reading a good book. I also enjoy being involved in the many traditions and events around campus. I do my best to attend a variety of events such as homecoming week, color runs, movie nights, craft nights and many more things.
What do you like about living in Le Fer Hall?
Le Fer Hall is such a unique and exciting place to live. I have lived in a new room each year and have so much fun decorating and personalizing such a historical place. Le Fer is reaching its hundredth birthday, and it blows my mind that she still stands strong and houses such a vibrant community of students to this day. Also, the architecture is so grand and ornate; it often makes me feel like a lady of a grand estate walking down my marble steps enjoying the views of the sunken garden!
What advice do you have for freshmen?
I would encourage freshmen to take part in all the traditions of The Woods. Things like Homecoming, Big/Little, Acorn Ceremony, Midnight Breakfast, the Ring Ceremony and many more things. In talking with friends at other colleges, you’ll find that your experiences and the traditions here at The Woods are unique and something other people are envious of. Take part in the traditions and become part of the rich history present at The Woods. I would also encourage freshmen to get to know and engage with the Sisters of Providence. Those women are some of the greatest examples any person can have in their life. I made an effort my freshman year to get to know the Sisters, and because of that, I have a wonderful group of women here at The Woods who care, love and support me. And if you need service hours, the SP’s always have something for you to do!
Reflect on your time at The Woods:
I have often reflected on my time at The Woods these past few weeks as it is the start of my final and senior year. I find myself cherishing each event, each class, each sunny or rainy day as they might be the last time I experience them as a student on campus.
I find myself wandering the campus admiring the beauty and imagining myself coming back in the future. Will things be different? Will I recognize the campus? I think the simple answer would be yes. The charm of The Woods is that it has remained the same. The buildings were built to last. Le Fer Hall stands strong after 100 years, and many of the other buildings have stood for longer. I cannot wait for the day I can return to The Woods as an alum and still feel at home. Sure, trees may fall, and buildings may be updated, but SMWC will always stay the same — the overall feelings felt by every student who has passed through will always remain the same.
My time at The Woods has been such a blessing in my life. I have always felt supported, loved and cared for here, and I know for a fact I would have never felt those things so strongly at any other college in the world.